It’s entirely possible that I’m being overly optimistic here, but I feel quite confident that 2021 will be good year, assuming we don’t all just sink into the sea after Brexit.
Taking Stock 2020 – Part 2

It’s entirely possible that I’m being overly optimistic here, but I feel quite confident that 2021 will be good year, assuming we don’t all just sink into the sea after Brexit.
It’s that time of year again when my cidery thoughts invariably turn in two opposing but essentially linked directions, forwards and backwards.
In this last post we talked about cider being the transformation of apple juice as opposed to it being just made from apple juice. A thing that is made must be made at a specific time while a transformation is a gradual, slow thing that takes place over time or indeed through time. Cider is […]
There is an abundance of information available to the budding cidermaker these days. There are several courses, a good range of informative books and of course countless online articles on the subject of making cider. So let’s assume you’ve done your research, made a bunch of cider and it’s come out tasting pretty good, what […]
If you spend any amount of time around cider people then sooner or later you’re bound to hear the term “Full Juice”, but what do we mean by it and why do some people seem to think it’s important? Here’s a couple of opening statements. A book is made from paper bound together with or […]
The other day I found myself with a spare afternoon and it occurred to me that I’ve not brewed any beer in a good couple of years. So I started by looking out all the numerous pieces of equipment, stowed away in various dusty cupboards and the littlest used corners of sheds. The huge stockpot […]
Could we ever say that cider is art? I think there’s a good argument to make for it.
Real Ale is no longer definable by its storage / dispense method and neither is Real Cider.
Making cider in the highlands comes with its own unique set of challenges and I think for the most part we’ve managed to turn them to our advantage and put out some really interesting ciders over the last few years. However, this season has presented us with the biggest obstacle yet. The overnight temperatures in […]
Once you’ve got the juice from the apples then next thing to do is ferment it into cider. Fermentation is quite simply the conversion of sugar into alcohol by yeast. Sugar (with yeast) = Alcohol + Carbon Dioxide This step is probably the most widely discussed stage in cider making and as always there are […]